
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

China's view of Obama's Asian Trip: Failure, Possibly damaged U.S and China relationship. China, Russia taking over Commodities (metals) pricing.

So how much did the U.S. taxpayers spend to send Obama over to Asia?  It was a trip that was suppose to strengthen trade agreements and be a friendly one.

China does not see it as accomplishing any strength in trade agreements and it was anything but friendly from China's eyes.

The People's Daily Chinese news site is the voice of the government there.  They have an article out about how Obama's trip was a failure and possibly damaged China's and the U.S relationship. 

Obama strengthened military agreements with countries that have land disputes with China, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.   China sees that has being confrontational towards them.

Obama signed a military agreement with the Philippines which China sees as especially threatening. 

"the Obama administration's ongoing plans to militarize issues that are rumbling  in the Asia-Pacific region", and this is "actually playing with fire".
"We have seen Obama press the need for defense cooperation with US allies in   almost every stop of his Asian tripwhich illustrates Washington's unchanged   double approach inits dealings with China — dialogue plus coercion," Jia said.
 "The US has said on different occasions that Washington has no intention of   coercive moves against China, and it is necessary to examine the follow-up remarks and actions," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said at a news   conference in Beijing on Monday.
The defense deal was signed and announced "when tensions between China and   its neighbors have been risingand it is "the biggest policy achievementof   Obama's trip to  Asiathe Washington Post commented.
China also wrote about Obama's visit in Japan and used the words that Obama and Japan are playing with Fire. 

Obama added that US engagement with China "does not and will not be at the   expense of  Japan or any other ally". He also requested Japan's Self-Defense Forces "do more within the framework of our alliance". Undoubtedly,  the US is  easing limits on Japan so that it can play a bigger role in   constraining China,   especially   military roles.America's pursuit of its own private interests at the expense of post war peace is encouraging Japan's excessesIs America not concerned about bringing troubles   on itself?Of course notSince the end of World War IIthe US has maintained a military   occupation of Japanguaranteeing US control over the countryThe incitement  of   Japanese actions against China is intended to constrain China and   at the same   time keep Japan in check,  thus   increasing its reliance on the US.
The US and Japan are playing with fire in AsiaBut the story is much more complicated,given China's situation

Today Drudge has the headline that China will surpass the U.S. has the largest economy in the world this year.  That wasn't suppose to happen until 2019.

Look at how the world views the U.S. now.  They hate us.  The U.S. spies on all leaders of other countries, including those who are suppose to be our closest allies.  The U.S. causes internal problems for their own goals in countries: Egypt, Libya, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria... the list goes on and on.

I really believe the U.S. is trying to slit their own throat now.  The stand against Russia is uncalled for, especially since the U.S. is the one behind the Ukraine revolution.  I believe the U.S. knows it is completely insolvent and everything is being held by threads.  The Fed. has printed who knows how many trillions of dollars.  The U.S. is causing the escalation in Ukraine against Russia so they can blame Russia for the dollar demise?  Is it so people will believe Russia caused the failure of the U.S. and not the U.S. government itself?  What the U.S. is doing against Russia does not make sense as a whole.  Russia can drop the dollar for energy trade and will have many other countries who have already wanted to do so, follow their footsteps.  Countries have been afraid of dropping the petro dollar, as they have seen what happened in Iraq, Libya and any other country that dares attempts to trade energy outside of the dollar.

From all the financial experts I have spoken  with when the crash comes it will be overnight.  It won't be long and drawn out.  The dollar will crash overnight with commodities exploding.

Speaking of commodities, China has an interesting article out about that and metals.   China and Russia will be taking over the control of commodities (gold and silver) on the international stage.   As the big Western banks get out of the commodity (metals) manipulation markets, China and Russia are taking over.  The question is, Will they continue the smash down manipulation of the metals?

Barclays Bankone of the worlds largest commodities traderplans to pull out of trading in  base metalsenergy and agricultural productsand fold its precious-metals business into its currency-trading unitas part of an effort to shrink its investment bank and improve   returns.
Morgan StanleyDeutsche BankUBS and Royal Bank of Scotland   have already   reduced   or halted their commodities businessThe above five dealers once controlled   about 70   percent of global commodities trading volume.
Nowemerging economies such as China and Russia are occupying   the space in    commodities tradingand striving for a greater say in the action.
The London Metal Exchange approved BOCI Global Commodities (UKLtdthe  international arm of Bank of China Ltd as its first Chinese member on April 2012. BOCI was approved for associate broker clearing membershipwhereby   members do not have access to ring tradingbut can access the market by phone or electronicallyIn addition Guangzhou-based GF Securitiesone of the mainland's ten largest securities firmsacquired   the London-based commodities trading unit of French bank Nataxis for 36    million US dollars on August, 2013.Gu said that the participation of the emerging economies is not only conducive to keeping commodity prices within a reasonable range,   which is determined by   supply and demand,but also to regulating the market and keeping it in good   order.

As China and other emerging markets take part in rule-making and gain more say in commodities trading, at the same time they meet a growing demand for commodities.

Edit to Add:  A mineweb article is out about the London Fixing of Gold and Silver Prices. 

So, the ball is now in China's court with Gold and Silver with Russia having a say in it too.  What will they do with the control?  Will we see the explosion of prices or will we have the same manipulation of prices?  Only time will tell. 

**note** The copying of the articles from the Chinese site will never format properly.  I have tried to get them correct but it does not work.  So sorry about the formatting problem for the quotes from People's Daily. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

I will be documenting my trip to Mexico to go to the Dentist... from start to finish. $12,000 (U.S. prices) of dental work for $1500 in Mexico.

I am going to be going to Mexico for a dentist trip.  I had written a little about it the other day, wanting to get donations for another to go with me to do a complete documentary it all.  I took that post down after a few hours, as I did not feel comfortable asking for donations.

I am going to the dentist and will be leaving May 11th.  and will be in Merida Mexico until the 18th.

Merida is the safest place in Mexico.  It is considered the 'medical' city of Mexico.  It has many hospitals and it is a medical tourist destination.

It is on the Yucatan peninsula, four  hours from Cancun.  After doing a lot of searches with my trip for flights and considering going through Cancun and then taking the 4 hour Executive bus ride each way.  I found though the bus is only $35 each way, with a flight into Cancun from Knoxville Tennessee around $598.00 and worrying about the connection times of the bus with a long wait... I searched for flights directly to Merida.  Merida is just as Knoxville, it is a small airport, so it is more expensive to fly in and out of.

I searched expedia and found a package for a hotel and flight directly there from Houston.  I was able to get my flight and hotel (for 7 nights) with taxes and fees for $973.00.

The dentist is Dr. Camara.  I had gone to him in 2007.  At that time I got 8500 to $10000 (U.S. prices) work done for $1200.  I had 4 crowns, 7 old mercury fillings taken out with new composite put in, veneer bonding on a front tooth, cleaning and x-rays for that price.

My mom is going with me.  She needs 2 crowns and a bridge so she is taking the trip with me to get her teeth done and she will video parts of it.

I am videoing the trip.  From the start to finish.

I know I need 3 root canals due to trouble with 3 different teeth.  I have been quoted $3800 just for one tooth.

Here is Dr. Camara's pricing of services:  You can see a root canal cost there is $200 with a crown at $285.  So a root canal and crown for each tooth will be $485.  Three of them come out to $1500.  I am estimating $1500 to 1700 for my dental, add $973 (I got travel insurance at $62.00) so the flight and hotel is $1040. I am thinking $300 for food (but probably less, the hotel provides breakfast and food is inexpensive there).  I am estimating the whole trip at $3200.00 which is still less than what I have been quoted for one tooth here.  I will get three done plus more dental work of cleaning, x-rays, etc for that.

If people believe that a dentist is not as good as one's in the U.S., they are mistaken.  My dentist is excellent.   I have had the best dental work of my life there.

I want to show people how easy it is to get great dental work at a fraction of the cost of the U.S., so people can do it themselves and save money.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Guest Post By 'Sage: TO BE in the LIE - "BELIEVE"

A very good friend of mine wrote this:  TO BE IN THE LIE "BELIEVE"  - It is excellent!  

Thank you, Sage for writing this and allowing me to put it on the blog. 

From 'Sage":

According to the few survivors of the ferry incident where so many died, they were told by those in authority to don life vests and patiently wait for help. The majority did just that. The only survivors were those that didn't obey those orders but jumped to safety instead. This has started me thinking back over my entire life of obeying and the reward/punish cycle that enforced it.

My God, how complicit we all have been for so long.... so many lifetimes to get where we are today. I cringe when I think over just my own lifetime. Most especially, how I enforced it on my own children that are now paying the price along with me. The excitement of participating in the sham of fake individuality which is such things as 'dress backwards day' or 'wear pajamas to school day'. Such blatant bullshit to make us believe (there's that word again!) that we have a legitimate outlet for our individuality when in reality it just indoctrinates us further into their program of 'obey' and 'believe' and conformity. All to lead us like cattle down the chute to our own destruction and enslavement. These images are flashing through my mind as pictures, photographs of the past. I cringe at each and every one of them and I want to tell my children that I was wrong..... always wrong. I was wrong to believe in the lie that those who call themselves our leaders care about us or our survival. I'm here to tell you that they don't. I'm here to tell you that they live lives so separate and apart from ours that we can't begin to imagine the chasm of differences. They are parasites that feed off of us and we mean no more to them than a cow or a chicken or a pig mean to us.

I became a vegetarian almost a year ago. I know that it's a label and I don't like to use them anymore, now that I know how the labeling system reinforces the 'obey' and 'believe' indoctrination agenda. Evidently, my decision upsets and offends others. They demand answers as to why. Then they're upset and offended when I tell them of the time that I worked and lived on a supposedly 'natural' farm where the animals were supposedly 'humanely raised and harvested' and of the time that I participated in this supposedly humane harvest, that I looked back at the lucky few that were too small for the harvest. That they were huddled together, burying their heads under the bodies of the others and I knew for a certainty that these poor beings were deeply traumatized and that the trauma would be there in their tissues for us to ingest. It changed me and I will never participate in that system again. I will never ingest the tissues of the desperate, traumatized, tortured-for-a-lifetime beings. I won't give my energy to the Satanic cult of the 1% that benefits both spiritually (negative) and financially (energy) by their system of cruelty and domination. Oh, and if I'm asked about my decision and I state my reasons, I'm told that I'm upsetting that person and ruining it all for them. No, that's not my intention..... you go right ahead and enjoy taking in the negative energy encapsulated within the tissues of the poor dead creature laying there on your plate. The other excuse, of course, is that "We need the protein. Our hair will fall out. We'll have spots and ridges on our nails that indicate a lack of protein. Our skin will look flacid and pallid. We'll be physically diminished." Well, my hair is falling out but not as much as it was when I was eating meat. Maybe that's because I'm ingesting less radiation by not eating meat. No way to know that for sure since everything concerning radiation is a big fat lie and coverup - especially since FUK-U-shima. I used to have dry ridges and spots on my fingernails when I was eating meat and now my nails are smooth and pink. The way they were when I was much younger - before the poisoning of our air, food and water was in full force as it is today. Hard to tell with the skin since I am getting older and the effects of the heavy metals raining down on us day after day, thanks to the dedication of the pilots and programmers that ensure our safety with massive chemtrailing, may be affecting my skin. As for energy levels..... well, I feel pretty danged good and I can walk farther and faster without getting winded than my own daughter. I just tell those with their objections and excuses for continuing to participate in the cruelty that it's a personal decision or a process. What a cop-out on my part. I admit to being a coward still. The truth is that we have to choose a side right now and I've chosen mine and any other choice is the wrong one. So sorry if that's not politically correct (PC - the new label to keep us afraid to wake up). Y'all just waddle on off to the natural farms and get yourselves some of that humanely harvested flesh and enjoy the hell out of it since your conscience is now properly and correctly assuaged. Enjoy.

The truth. What is the truth? How the hell do I know??!!!!! They've stolen the truth and hidden it away. As far as they're concerned, the truth is only for them. Everything we see and hear on tell-lie-vision and even the internet is just to reinforce the lies. Speaking of upsetting people that don't want to know the truth of what is happening in our world..... get a load of this video. I should give one of those politically-correct (PC - again!!) 'disturbing and graphic' warnings about this video as it shows the end result of the radiation and other crap that is raining down on us and is being fed to us through our food and water supply. That way we can all avoid looking at the little bits of truth that somehow leak out and we won't be upset. Sheesh! We all say we want the truth and the few times we get a glimpse at it, we turn on the messenger for upsetting our fake-ass reality. So, no warning for you. Go ahead. Look at the deformities in the infants, the animals, the plants. Really look this time. Let the reality sink in for once.      Video is below..

I just want to tell my children that I was wrong. That I was indoctrinated and a screwed up believer. I was wrong to tell you that the key to a good life was a college education. I shake my head in disbelief at how that turned out. All those kids that paid so dearly and will pay for most of their lives just to be brainwashed and further indoctrinated into the debt based slavery of the top 1% - which I now call The Insanes. These kids get out of college loaded down with debt and yet haven't learned a damn thing. Then they can't find a job worth a damn and end up working for $10.00/hour - which goes to their loans - which goes to the Insane criminals at the top. What a fucked up system we've let happen to them. How we've let the next generation down by allowing this to happen to them.

I just want to tell my children.... JUMP!!!!! Don't listen to them. Don't listen to me. Follow your gut instinct. Follow your survival instinct. It's there for a reason so listen to it. Pray. Because there is a God and it's not the same one as theirs. Don't be good citizens.
Stand up for yourselves because there is no savior coming. We've let you down and I'm sorry. Don't obey. Don't believe. Jump. I love you.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Audio of My Friend asking Supreme Justice Scalia about Taxes at University of Tennessee. Scalia said "Perhaps you should Revolt" if it reaches a certain point.

Supreme Justice Scalia was here in Knoxville on April 15th 2014 to speak at the University of Tennessee for the annual Rose Lecture.  At the end of his speech he took questions.

One question has been covered by Fox news and other MSM outlets.  It was about high taxes, his answer is what has made the rounds, where even Rand Paul was asked about Scalia's answer on Fox news.

It just so happens it was a friend of mine from the Liberty movement is the one who asked Scalia the question.

He sent me the audio recording of his question and answer from Scalia, besides the exact transcript.   He also sent me the full lecture that Scalia did at UT, which he recorded.  I will put that on youtube too.

 Here are some of the Media's coverage of Scalia's answer for people to 'revolt' if they reach a certain point.

Washington - CBS article
Politics USA
Huffington Post
Christian Post

The transcript of what is being said is in the video as it is being said.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Song, War Pigs by Black Sabbath. Applies to Today. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, about Bohemian Grove Sacrifices

Someone told me about this Black Sabbath song today.  It applies today to those who are war mongers and it is said to relate to Bohemian Grove.   This came up because I mentioned, that the Queen song, Bohemian Rhapsody is actually about Bohemian Grove and the sacrifices there.  I am inserting that video below the War Pigs lyrics.


Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'til their judgment day comes

Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgment, God is calling
On their knees the war pig's crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
Oh lord yeah!


Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality.

Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Anyway the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me.

Mama, just killed a man,
Put a gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger, now he's dead.
Mama, life had just begun,
But now I've gone and thrown it all away.

Mama, ooh,
Didn't mean to make you cry,
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,
Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.

Too late, my time has come,
Sends shivers down my spine,
Body's aching all the time.
Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go,
Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth.

Mama, ooh (anyway the wind blows),
I don't wanna die,
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.

I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
Thunderbolt and lightning,
Very, very frightening me.
(Galileo) Galileo.
(Galileo) Galileo,
Galileo Figaro

I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me.
He's just a poor boy from a poor family,
Spare him his life from this monstrosity.

Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go. (Let him go!)
Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let him go!)
Bismillah! We will not let you go. (Let me go!)
Will not let you go. (Let me go!)
Never, never let you go
Never let me go, oh.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, mama mia, mama mia (Mama mia, let me go.)
Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me.

So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?
Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby,
Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here.

(Oh, yeah, oh yeah)

Nothing really matters,
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me.

Anyway the wind blows.

My Recorded Calls to Congress for them to start Impeachment Proceedings against Obama Immediately.

I recorded my phone calls to Congress for them to start Impeachment Proceedings against Obama Immediately regarding Benghazi and the report out.

Here they are:

New Report Proves Treason at the Highest Degree from Obama and Hillary Clinton. D.C. needs to begin Impeach Proceedings Immediately!

A report out about the Benghazi murder of the Ambassador, Stevens proves the U.S. was behind the terrorist groups that murdered him. 

Update 11:30 AM - My recorded calls to my Congressional Representatives in D.C is at the bottom, besides at this link.. 

Update to add 3:35 PM.  Obama hired a top Criminal Defense Lawyer to be the White House Counsel.   
You have to wonder if it is because of this information about Benghazi and his supporting the murderers of Stevens.

The report also proves that the U.S. is the one who supplied the guns to Al Qaeda in Libya and the revolution there to oust Gaddafi.  The report says the blame on a youtube video was part of a plan to restrict Free Speech in the U.S.! 

What happened in Libya is the same exact thing that is happening in the Ukraine.  The U.S. is behind it all!

I have to say, I used to be so proud to be an American, when I was asleep I really thought we had a great country in all ways.  But what is great, is the citizens in their hearts of wanting to do the best, but the government is pure evil at this point.

It doesn't matter who is in office the same evil is always behind them directing what they are to do.  Bush/Obama have proved that.

Obama has out done Bush in every respect, he has not just made our nation more of a police and surveillance state he has committed Treason multiple times.

This Treason is of the highest that both him and Clinton committed, allowing the murder of an Ambassador of the U.S.

They supplied Al Qaeda in Libya with arms to defeat Gaddafi.   The arms were coming from the United Arab state to Gaddafi, but the U.S. funneled them to Al Qaeda instead.  I posted THE TRUTH ABOUT LIBYA 3 years ago.  

The U.S. is behind all the unrest in the Middle East and the world!  Is it any wonder no country trust the U.S. anymore, besides the U.S. listening in on all the private conversations of the leaders?

This CONgress has allowed Obama over and over again to commit treason, from NDAA to all of his executive orders.  If they ignore this report and not start IMPEACHMENT proceedings immediately, that will prove they are all controlled puppets too.  (which we know they are)  The report says CONgress was part of it all too!  The report says all those arms that were used in Libya to topple Gaddafi are now in Syria.

All of us need to call our Elected officials in D.C. and DEMAND IMPEACHMENT of Obama!  We need to Demand Clinton be held accountable too!  

We do have the power as citizens, if enough people wake up and demand accountability from D.C. and get every one of those controlled puppets out of office.  

From link:

 The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented – if the U.S. hadn't been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.'The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,' Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.She blamed the Obama administration for failing to stop half of a $1 billion United Arab Emirates arms shipment from reaching al-Qaeda-linked militants.'Remember, these weapons that came into Benghazi were permitted to enter by our armed forces who were blockading the approaches from air and sea,' Lopez claimed. 'They were permitted to come in. ... [They] knew these weapons were coming in, and that was allowed..'The intelligence community was part of that, the Department of State was part of that, and certainly that means that the top leadership of the United States, our national security leadership, and potentially Congress – if they were briefed on this – also knew about this.'The weapons were intended for Gaddafi but allowed by the U.S. to flow to his Islamist opposition.

It is time NOW for all of us to STAND UP for morality for Ethics!  It is time to look deep within yourself and decide if you will be a part of what the U.S. has been doing from murder through drones to murder through their started and controlled revolutions everywhere.

More from article:

'Some look at it as treason,' said Wayne Simmons, a former CIA officer who participated in the commission's research.Retired Rear Admiral Chuck Kubic, another commission member, told reporters Tuesday that those weapons are now 'all in Syria.'
'Gaddafi wasn't a good guy, but he was being marginalized,' Kubic recalled. 'Gaddafi actually offered to abdicate' shortly after the beginning of a 2011 rebellion.'But the U.S. ignored his calls for a truce,' the commission wrote, ultimately backing the horse that would later help kill a U.S. ambassador.Kubic said that the effort at truce talks fell apart when the White House declined to let the Pentagon pursue it seriously.'We had a leader who had won the Nobel Peace Prize,' Kubic said, 'but who was unwilling to give peace a chance for 72 hours.'
Lyons also said U.S. claims that it lacked the resources to mount a counterattack in time to save lives is false.'I'm going to tell you that's not true,' he said. 'We had a 130-man unit of forces at Sigonella [AFB in Italy]. They were ready to go.'

Some of the group's claims strain credibility, including the assertion that the Obama administration's early effort to blame the Benghazi attack on a protest against a crude anti-Muslim YouTube video 'appears to have been well-coordinated with U.S.Muslim Brotherhood organizations as well as Islamic state members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).'
Those groups, the commission noted, 'all joined in condemnation of the video, and, even more troubling, issued calls for restrictions on Americans’ free speech rights.'

Just as China reported last week, the U.S. is behind the revolutions and the hypocrisy of their attitudes.  They will call those protesting citizens for democracy when it is them behind ousting a leader, but then they call protesters 'terrorist' when they protest the U.S. inserted governments. 

We can not sit back and allow our country to go down the drain.  There are many who fought and gave their lives in battle for our Freedoms, Democracy, Rights, Morals and Ethics.  We can not let their lives be in vain.  How can we face the next generation and say "We Allowed our country to do what it did in murdering people around the world and causing unrest.  We allowed our country to be evil at the highest leadership and did nothing about it."

If CONgress ever looked for a reason to impeach this President it is NOW!  Obama HAS TO BE IMPEACHED FOR TREASON AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL THEN PUT IN JAIL!  CLINTON NEEDS TO BE PUT ON TRIAL AND IN JAIL FOR HER TREASON!  ALL OF THEM, INCLUDING BIDEN, HOLDEN and CONgressional Members who were part of it.  

CONgress ignored Fast and Furious, NSA, IRS, NDAA, and all the other Treasonous acts of the Administration!  We can NOT allow them to ignore this!

FYI - House Speaker Boehner has blocked a committee to investigate Benghazi!

The group has called for a Select Congressional Committee to investigate the Benghazi episode. A total of 189 House members have signed on to a bill that would create the committee, which would be bipartisan and have sweeping powers to subpoena the executive branch.House Speaker John Boehner, Lopez said Tuesday, 'he blocked it. One has to wonder if he and Congress have had some sort of briefing on what happened.'

It does not matter that CONgress is part of it all.  We still have to STAND UP to them.  If enough of us do so, they can not ignore us.  Call your local media too.  We can not sit back anymore and let our country become completely lawless!  Just as Reid said "We are a nation of Laws and people have to follow them."  Let's hold him to his words!  D.C. has to follow the law too.  It is not just for us 'normal' citizens. 

Here is a site that has all the CONgressional Contact information.  

Oh, one thing for you to know.  Washington D.C. wiretap laws is that ONLY One Party (that is you) has to have consent to record a conversation.  So, if you consent to recording your conversation with CONgressional aids in D.C, then it is legal!  :D

DC Wiretapping Law

The District of Columbia's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. DC makes it a crime to record a phone call or conversation unless one party to the conversation consents. SeeD.C. Code § 23-542. Thus, if you operate in DC, you may record a conversation or phone call if you are a party to the conversation or you get permission from one party to the conversation in advance. That said, if you intend to record conversations involving people located in more than one state, you should play it safe and get the consent of all parties.

Who must give permission to record a telephone or in-person conversation?
Federal law permits recording telephone calls and in-person conversations with the consent of at least one of the parties. See 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(d). This is called a "one-party consent" law. Under a one-party consent law, you can record a phone call or conversation so long as you are a party to the conversation. Furthermore, if you are not a party to the conversation, a "one-party consent" law will allow you to record the conversation or phone call so long as your source consents and has full knowledge that the communication will be recorded.
In addition to federal law, thirty-eight states and the District of Columbia have adopted "one-party consent" laws and permit individuals to record phone calls and conversations to which they are a party or when one party to the communication consents. See the State Law: Recording section of this legal guide for information on state wiretapping laws.


My recorded Calls to Congress today: