
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

McCain "Russia showing lack of Respect for U.S." regarding Snowden. He should have said "The U.S. has NO Respect for the Constitution and World Governments"

McCain is such a loser as all the elected officials in D.C. are outraged over how the rest of the world governments are ignoring them in regards to Snowden.

I find it absolutely disgusting that McCain said "Russia is showing a lack of Respect for the U.S"! 

 On Tuesday Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said it was clear that Snowden is clearly hiding out in Russia. 
"It is well known that he is in Russia," McCain said on CNN. "It's reminiscent of the days of the Cold War when you hear a Russian spokesman saying that he's not in Russia when every shred of evidence indicates that he is."
McCain said Russia was showing the U.S. “a total lack of respect."

Wow..... seriously?

Russia is showing a lack of respect for the U.S.?

Let's ask these questions...... Don't you believe the U.S. has shown a lack of Respect for the World and the citizens of the country and other countries, by violating their civil liberties?  Hasn't the U.S. shown they believe they can do anything they want against all other governments and people?   Hasn't the U.S. shown they are the biggest bully of the world?  Hasn't the U.S. shown that they feel they have a right to all other government's secrets?  Hasn't the U.S. been accusing governments around the world of hacking and playing victim to that hacking and playing themselves as innocent?  Yet, they are the ones doing everything they have accused others of doing?

Where are the elected officials in D.C. showing outrage over how this government is Orwellian?  OH, wait a minute.... that is right... they are all part of it!  They are all part of creating the Orwellian government and society so they are saying what a traitor Snowden is!

Well.... the U.S. government has been caught now.  They will never be trusted anymore by any other government.   They will not believed when they say they aren't listening in on every conversation and reading every email.

It was time for the truth to come out about how Orwellian the U.S. has become and how much they violate the civil liberties of all citizens around the world!

Oh... the grand standing and outrage that is coming out of this government right now and the demanding of Snowden being turned over to the U.S......... I LOVE IT!  I Love how the rest of the world is completely ignoring the U.S. and their demand for Snowden.  I Love the cat and mouse game being played.... Where is Snowden?  

Time for the Karma to come back to the U.S. government and all their lying and constitution shredding being revealed!

Articles about it all:

Russia Rejects demands from U.S for Snowden

China - Happy that D.C.'s false face has torn off
China's top state newspaper has praised the fugitive US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden for "tearing off Washington's sanctimonious mask" and rejected accusations Beijing had facilitated his departure from Hong Kong.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Warning... Extremely Graphic and Horrible - Video of the Syrian Rebels the U.S. is arming and training... this is who we are suppose to support?

Warning... I could not watch this video except just for moments as it made me literally Sick to my stomach and tears came to my eyes.

Here are the Syrian rebels the U.S. is supporting and arming.  This is what they are doing to the Syrian people.  When the U.S. claims thousands have died in Syria, they don't reveal it is from the thugs and terrorist that are called the rebels of Syria.     The people of the U.S. need to see who the U.S. supporting.  It is all about control of the country, not about the freedom of the people.  Stop the terrorist/rebels of Syria! 

This is the most horrifying video I have ever watched in my life.   

U.S. is governed by Fear at the top. Snowden running Proves he is a major whistleblower.. though spin is saying opposite.

The only reason the U.S. spies on every single thing a U.S. citizen does, is because they obviously live in FEAR!   What are they so afraid of?   How deep is the corruption that they live in FEAR of what a citizen does and knows?   The ACLU put out a statement about the U.S. government Fear today.   What is great, is I have been trying to put in words for a few days now about the government's fear of it's citizens.  I believe the ACLU did an excellent job of it!

Under President Obama, the United States is “a nation governed by fear,” the American Civil Liberties Union says in an open letter that echoes the criticisms Obama has made of George W. Bush’s national security policies.
[W]e say as Americans that we are tired of seeing liberty sacrificed on the altar of security and having a handful of lawmakers decide what we should and should not know,” the ACLU writes in a statement circulated to grassroots supporters and addressed to Obama. “We are tired of living in a nation governed by fear instead of the principles of freedom and liberty that made this nation great.”
It’s strange to read in light of Obama’s disavowal of Bush. “[T]oo often — our government made decisions based upon fear rather than foresight, and all too often trimmed facts and evidence to fit ideological predispositions,” Obama said in 2009. “Instead of strategically applying our power and our principles, we too often set those principles aside as luxuries that we could no longer afford. And in this season of fear, too many of us — Democrats and Republicans; politicians, journalists and citizens — fell silent.”
The ACLU is circulating that statement in response to the Justice Department’s efforts to prosecute Edward Snowden, who leaked information about the National Security Agency’s data collection programs before fleeing to Hong Kong (and now, Russia).
“We stand opposed to any attempt to treat Edward Snowden as a traitor,” the ACLU writes. "Snowden is innocent until proven guilty before a court of law and he must be afforded all of his rights as an American citizen. If he is brought to an American court, he must be afforded every opportunity to defend himself and convince a judge that what he did was justifiable and patriotic, even if he is charged with violating laws that themselves pose a threat to our democracy.”

They also live in Fear of losing their power around the world.  That is why they spy on every country and the citizens of the world too.

It is always about control of all people.  Those at the top are control freaks.

There is no reason other than control and FEAR on the part of those at the top to create an Orwellian society.  They are obviously upset the truth has been revealed.

How any citizen can agree with the government and call Snowden a traitor is beyond me.   How can a citizen think he is a traitor for revealing the truth of what the U.S. does?   Shouldn't we all be rejoicing and calling him a hero?

But the media is creating that spin for the government under their watchful eye, to create a mind set and hive thought on Snowden being a traitor to the U.S.

Do so many U.S. citizens live in Fear too?   I can't imagine living in Fear of a bogeyman (created by the government) constantly wanting to get you.   But do I blame other countries for having a major resentment against the U.S.?  No, not at all.  Just look at the countries we have invaded, just look at how the U.S. thinks they are better than every other country.   Look at how we have killed, tortured and poisoned other country's citizens.   We are not the nice kids on the block, the U.S. is the bully of the block, though they use the media to make the general population believe otherwise. They have made people believe we are the victims of the world.

How is he a traitor?  Revealing that the U.S. is a traitor to the constitution?  Revealing the U.S. accuses other countries of hacking, yet they are the ones who hack all others?   Revealing that the U.S. has created an Orwellian society?

I admire Snowden and I will assume that documents he may have with him that reveals much more of what the U.S. has done against it's citizens and other countries will be revealed through Wikileaks.   The Wikileaks team has been heading up his escape from the U.S. torture hands.

I find the spin is hilarious from the government and media about Snowden escaping to Russia and where ever else his is going.  He wasn't on the flight to Cuba this morning, so who knows where he really is.  (Good for him)   The spin saying that he is being counter to being a whistleblower by going to Russia or other countries that don't agree with the U.S. or bow down to their pressure is ridiculous.   Look at how the U.S. tortures people and what they have done to Bradley all these years.   By Snowden running to those countries that don't fall for U.S. pressure, Proves he is a major whistleblower, not the other way around as the spin is going.

I look forward to more revelations of what the U.S. does to other countries and it's own citizens.  All citizens should embrace the truth of how the U.S. government fears it's own people and be showered in truth.

Of course there are many government spin people online in forums etc. putting it in people's mind that Snowden is a setup and government op etc.  They have done the same with Assande and have people question Wikileaks.  That is their job.   They have to try and keep people confused, compared to people embracing that truth is being revealed and those doing so, are Heros!

Other countries are standing up to the U.S. bully and the bully doesn't like that needless to say.  They are threatening other countries too.   It is a typical reaction from a bully.... when others begin to say "Not anymore."   

Here is David Gregory, doing the governments bidding by intimidating real journalist - Saying Greenwald who released the Snowden information should be charged with a felony. This shows how there is no REAL journalism left in MSM, it is only protect the secrets and prosecute any that release the truth. Greenwald's response is Awesome... Slams Gregory for implying that.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Snowden is a HERO! U.S. most Criminal Country in the World! China says: U.S. media is government spokesmen.

Snowden is a HERO!  

He has shined the light on how the U.S. government considers every citizen a terrorist and are guilty in their eyes.  He has shown the U.S. government has no regard for the constitution in any way shape or form.  He has revealed how the government is an out of control corrupt organization that has hacked all other country's information.

It is completely disgusting how the U.S. government is completely a rogue out of control Orwellian group!

We are not Free in this country!  

We are chained, watched, lab mice to the U.S. government. 

How it got so far down the rabbit hole I don't know, except that the U.S. citizens are so poisoned from the food, air and water that they don't give a sh** about what is happening.

China is not happy.   The U.S. government accuses China of crimes against humanity and the people there not being "free" and have accused them over and over again of hacking.  Yet the truth was revealed that the U.S. is the most criminal country in the world and doing everything they accuse China of.

An article in China Daily, reveals the fact that they feel the U.S. media are the spokespeople for the U.S. government.  It is becoming glaringly obvious the media is nothing but propaganda and do the bidding of the government.   They shield the government and what they do release is propaganda and out right lies.


Not surprisingly, a member of the audience asked Pruitt why the US mainstream media were sounding increasingly like government spokespersons. Obama's visit to Berlin this week is a case in point, for most of the US mainstream media outlets only reported his call for the reduction of nuclear arsenals and ignored the "Yes, we scan" protesters who greeted him upon his arrival in the city.

In the US, however, the discussion in the mainstream media is often limited to whether the surveillance program has violated US citizens' rights. Very few seem to question whether such invasive surveillance programs on governments, institutions and citizens of other countries are legal or, for that matter, ethical.
Ironically, quite a few mainstream US media outlets have given wide coverage to people like former vice-president Dick Cheney, former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden, and National Intelligence director James Clapper, while the surveillance program's critics can be heard only on channels such as Russia Today, Al Jazeera, and Democracy Now.
Given such an environment, even some congressmen and experts, known to have an opinion on everything, felt reluctant to speak their minds on the Snowden case at the recent seminars I attended.
At a recent talk attended by international news organizations in the US, many said they were disappointed with the US mainstream media's failure to present both sides of major stories by giving disproportionate time and space to the people they favored. Some media outlets simply choose to edit out serious news and instead focus on sex and murders. A former US news channel anchor, who works for a media outlet in Washington, said he felt his IQ had increased because he no longer had to repeat celebrities' names every day.
Many mainstream media outlets have spent more time and shown more interest in digging into Snowden's personal life than challenging whether the NSA program is a violation of privacy and civil liberties, which should be the main debate.

I have stated here over and over again.  The U.S. news is now "distraction news."  It is about celebrities instead of truth and what is important.

This government LIES over and over again.   We deserve Better!  It is not right for all the secrecy when all of us citizens are having to pay for it, through fraudulent taxes.   We the lowly people have to pay taxes but it seems all those at the top don't.  They know something we do not.

This country is out of control!

It is time for the people to WAKE UP!  I have stated that many times over and over again on this blog.

I am thrilled that the Hong Kong government basically said FU to the U.S. government and their arrest warrant for Snowden.  The HK government allowed Snowden to leave today due to the extradition and arrest warrant not fully complying with the HK government's rules.   How Awesome!   I wonder how the HK government skewered the rules to allow Snowden to leave the country?

So go jump..... all you in the U.S. government who feel you can violate all the citizens of the world's rights... yet you accuse other countries of violating their citizens civil rights!  What a hypocritical country the U.S. is!


You the U.S. government obviously don't feel anyone has rights at all in this country or in the world!

How are you going to invade another country saying you are doing it "For the people's freedom?"  When the U.S. is the most unfree country in the world now?   The U.S. citizens are all prisoners of their country through the spying of the government and the millions on the "No fly list".

Do people realize that the only country over the last decades that have invaded other countries is the U.S.?  Do people realize that the U.S. is the most aggressive and oppressive country in the world do to their going in and killing citizens of other countries to take control of it.

Do you realize the media has been the propaganda arm of the government by telling people it is for our "Freedom and the people's Freedom" of the countries they are invading, when it is really due to the resources and money of that country?

Do people realize we are NOT FREE?

Someone asked me recently "Why do you have a blog?"   I told them "It is the only way I have a voice now.  The government doesn't listen to the people and I can vent my opinion and reveal truth."

It is time for all of us to Stand Up and say "No More!  We Deserve and Demand our Constitutional Rights once more!"   We Deserve Freedom!

If people are honest with themselves, they will realize we are all slaves to those in control.  This world and society has been designed to keep us in slavery by our working just to pay the banks and government money and to build what they want.   We need to get out of the system of tolling being debt slaves to the government and banks.   We need to shine the light on their poisoning us more and more with their chemtrails, fluoride and GMO food.  

I never knew how much the government actually hated all their citizens and how they distrust us all until I became awake and aware to what they do to us.

We the citizens of the country are the ones who have the rights!  You the government are suppose to work for us, not against us.

It is time for everyone in the U.S. to begin being Greece, Argentina, Egypt, Iceland and all other countries where the people have been standing up to the corrupt banks and governments and trying to get control back from the out of control governments!

We will not allow an Orwellian society!

It is amazing how all the elected officials in D.C. are calling Snowden a traitor!  WOW, it shows they are all part of creating the Orwellian society behind closed doors.  None of them are for our rights anymore.  They pretend to be in the media, but work against us together in the back rooms of D.C.

Sen. Schumer on CNN today has threatened Russia if they harbor Snowden!  WOW.... that shows you how far they go for the truth being revealed about what they do to us all.

Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the third-ranking Senate Democratic leader, said Sunday that Russia will face “serious consequences” if it harbors Edward Snowden, who has been charged with espionage.
“What’s infuriating here is Prime Minister [Vladimir] Putin of Russia abetting Snowden’s escape,” Schumer said in a CNN “State of the Union” interview. “I think it will have serious consequences for the United States-Russia relationship.”

May we ALL BE Snowdens!  May we ALL stand up for Truth and Reveal what is Wrong with this country and shine the light on Corruption!  May we ALL be HEROS to each other!